Resources to help you stay on the path
Reading shapes our thoughts and speech; it literally forms our brain and mental processes. These feed into our intellect and inform our will to act. If we want to grow in holiness, we must conform our will to God’s. The most effective way to do so, then, is by reading the writings of holy authors.
Over two millennia, God has graced many holy authors with the charism languages of knowledge and wisdom. Through them, God forms us in His perspective of life. We discover His ways, our true identity, and His love for us personally. We live and grow in this covenant with the loving Trinity.
This grace space introduces some of those holy authors to you. Whenever possible, we direct visitors to original editions available via public domain. When not available, links to reliable publishers will be provided.

It is difficult to maintain belief in God while living in a Godless world. In a culture where relationships and even people are disposable, what we seek, and cannot find, is permanency. The deep desire of every human person is a love that is ever-present, never ceasing, and all encompassing. An honest look at the world and church reveals why there is escalating growth in the religious “none’s” and in those who opt-out of life altogether.
Belonging: An Invitation to Happiness for Millennial Catholics is an invitation to Catholics to discover the secrets to love and permanency already given within their faith. Although written to millennials, it inspires Catholics of all ages. As the conversation unfolds about the mystery of belonging to Jesus, you will find understanding of your circumstances and overcome the difficulty in believing in God’s love for you. The faith becomes live and three-dimensional.
Available paperback & Kindle at Amazon.
Available in all e-book formats through Smashwords

The forces of evil are upon us and Christians are sharpening their weapons accordingly. Because God is love, our best weapon is love itself. Every prayer for deliverance or cry for help is an act of love towards God and He reciprocates. Yet to benefit most fully from His protection and care, we need to understand why He permits the enemy to attack and how to respond. Exorcists confirm that the efficacy of liberation is effected by the person’s dedication to their spiritual life. Kick Butt! The Quick Guide to Spiritual Warfare (Frontline Defense Strategies for Everyday Living) situates our lived experience within the context of its purpose and God’s will.
Kick Butt! is accessibly organized in three parts: background on the spiritual life and tactics to use against the enemy that bring us closer to God; an appendix of aids with a more precise explanation not often found in other books; and chapter notes providing theological context and resources for those wishing further understanding. Self-publishing keeps price low ($2.99 Kindle/$6.99 print) making it available to Christians in nearly any circumstances.
In addition to personal reading, Kick Butt! complements other books on the topic, formations such as oblates, Exodus 90 and Ignatian retreats, deliverance work, ministry and pastoral work. Some exorcists teach that confession is the most effective form of deliverance; thus, Kick Butt! also partners well with The Life Confession: A Discovery of God’s Mercy and Love.
Available on Amazon.

There is growing interest amongst Catholics to make a general (life) confession of all past sin. Yet how does a person begin to review their entire life up to this point in time? What am I expected to say? There is no road map to this journey. However, once begun, the path is slowly revealed.
This guide provides those initial steps. The reader will find their confusion and anxiousness dissolve as they come to understand God’s design in this type of confession. The appendix addresses practical matters including several methods of prayer. It is intended for the reader who is already educated in and practicing their Catholic faith but can be helpful to anyone wishing to better understand the sacrament of confession.
Kindle e-book click here
Paperback click here

Advent is a season of waiting, a time of preparation. All of creation awaits the birth of its Creator and Savior. There is a sense of an impending miracle. Something is different.
Yet the world pulls and tugs us into its hustle and bustle, distracting us from that interior sense of peace and awe. Something is different…Advent Meditations on the Gospel of Luke invites readers to escape into an in-home retreat and ‘waste time’ with their God. The meditations are brief but piercing, and guidance is given to prepare for prayer.
Step out of a pandemic world and into stillness with God.
Kindle e-book click here
Paperback click here

Aquinas Press is an imprint of CBC brands (Autom), a long-standing and trusted provider of books and products for growth in our Catholic faith. Debra has authored the following books for Aquinas Press:
Moments with Jesus: A daily Catholic devotional for those who want a new or renewed relationship with Jesus. In each meditation, Jesus gently leads you into a personal dialogue that shapes your day. Some conversations are like small talk with a dear friend. Others are a deep sharing of personal secrets that have never been shared before. Over 700 passages of scripture will open your eyes to new meaning for the Word in your life, Hymns and poems from our ancient heritage along with wisdom from the saints will enrich your prayer. Set within the January – December calendar, this is the first Catholic devotional with meditations designed to blend the seasons of the Church and ordinary life.
Healing Meditations: In times of suffering, you may feel abandoned by family, friends and God Himself. Naturally you ask God, ‘Why is this happening to me?’ It is easy to fall into anger, self-pity and confusion. It is in these times that prayer is most important yet most difficult. Healing Meditations provides thoughtful reflections that will help you to find God in the people caring for you, in the smallest of kindnesses, and even in the suffering itself. Discovering Christ’s love for you and taking advantage of His companionship, purpose can be found in this pain. Explanation of the Sacraments helps you to fully dispose yourself to their healing grace. Comforting prayers are provided for those times when it is difficult to express your heart’s emotions in words.
Sacred Heart Mass Book: Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of our most efficacious prayers for its object is Jesus Himself. It reminds us of His Word in scripture and echoes the wisdom of Church Fathers. Our devotion to His Sacred Heart prepares us to receive His Heart in the Eucharist as well as to live in that grace thereafter. This little book provides all that you need to live life resting in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Order of the Holy Mass is explained along with accompanying prayers to aid you in most fully assisting your priest in this Holy Sacrifice. Following this, you will find First Friday meditations on the Sacred Heart of Jesus for each month of the year. These will help you to contemplate the immensity of love overflowing from this Sacred Heart and spur a desire to rid yourself of all obstacles to receiving its fullness. With increased desire to console the Heart of Jesus, you will be moved to fulfill His wish that reparations be made for offenses against His Heart, particularly those against the Eucharist. These meditations, along with common devotions to the Sacred Heart, can be prayed before or after the Holy Mass and at any time while adoring Him in the Blessed Sacrament.
These sources are suggested as a start to letting the Wisdom of Truth form your mind and heart. Emphasis is placed on the writings of the saints and classic authors of past centuries. The inclusion of living contemporary authors or specialists is not meant to imply endorsement or any connection with its author. They are included as the bulk of their work (at the time of this writing) has been faithful to the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church as handed down by the saints. Free electronic versions of the writings of saints and classic authors can often be found on the Internet Archive at, Christian Classics Ethereal Library, and through many Catholic websites. Keywords for your search…
Spiritual growth:
Saints and holy authors who are a bit more approachable…
*St. Francis de Sales* St. Alphonsus Liguori* Servant of God Elisabeth Leseur*Fr. Daniel Considine*Fr. Jacques Philippe* Servant of God Archbishop Luis M. Martinez * St. ‘Mother’ Teresa of Calcultta*Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade*Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen*St. Therese of Lisieux*Dr. Edward Sri*Cardinal Robert Sarah* Abbott Vonier*Blessed Columba Marmion *Fr. Raoul Plus* *Fr. Robert Spitzer* Fr. Ed Broom* Dan Burke * Books such as This Tremendous Lover (Dom Eugene Boylan), The Soul of the Apostolate (Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard), The Spiritual Combat (Dom Lorenzo Scupoli) * The Heliotropium (Fr. Jeremias Drexelius SJ) * The Prayer of the Presence of God (Dom Augustin Guillerand)
Holy guidance for those further along the path…
St. Edith Stein * St. John Paul II * Fr. Thomas Dubay * Servant of God John Hardon * Fr. Walter Ciszek * Cardinal Josef Ratzinger/Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI * St. Teresa of Avila * St. John of the Cross * Rev. Reginald Garrigou-LaGrange * Venerable Dom Blosius * St. Bonaventure * St. Bernard of Clairvaux * Thomas a Kempis * Servant of God John Arintero * Fr. John Tauler * Fr. Jean-Nicolaus Grau/Grou * St. John Henry Cardinal Newman * St. John Cassian * Blessed Henry Suso * Rev. Aldophe Tanquerey * Rev. Vitalis Lehodey * Fr. Romano Guardini * Fr. A. Poulain SJ * Fr. Arthur Devine * Tomas Cardinal Spidlik SJ * Fr. Timothy Gallagher OMV * Dom Jean LeClercq * Servant of God Catherine Doherty * Fr. Gabriel Amorth * Servant of God Dolindo Ruotolo * Fr. Basil Maturin * Fr. John Baptist Scaramelli SJ * Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen * Dom Raymond Thibaut
Growth in knowledge of God and Faith:
St. Paul Center for Biblical Studies * Augustine Institute * Institute of Catholic Culture * * SpiritualDirection.Com *CatholicMom.Com * DiscerningHearts.Com * RCSpirituality (RegnumChristi.Com) * Magdala.Org (the Holy Land) * Thomistic Institute * Dominican House of Prayer (DHOP) *
Ignatius press, TAN books, Sophia Institute Press, Scepter Publishers, Ascension Press, Augustine Institute.
Living the Faith and wellness:
Look for the writings and websites of:
St. Josemaria Escriva and Opus Dei (for the spirituality of work) * the book Temptation and Discernment by Segundo Galilea (for ministry) * Blessed Lawrence of the Resurrection (for focusing thoughts on God) * The Yeshua Institute for Leadership (Dr. Owen Phelps) * World Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations and the Catholic Medical Association of the US * & * * Family Life Center/ (for men) * The Ruth Institute (Marriage and family life) * Pastoral Solutions Institute ( * ReclaimSexualHealth.Org * PracticalPurity.Com (Parents & Teens) * Dr. Teresa Burke and Grief-to-Grace (abuse survivors) * Conrad Baars Institute (psychotherapy based upon Thomistic psychology) * The Alexander House (marriage) *Life-Giving Wounds (adults who were children of divorce) *Dr. Matthew Breuninger* CatholicExercism.Org (St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal)
The writings of: * Dr. Joseph Nicolosi * Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons * Dr. Gregory Popcak * Dr. Aaron Kheriarty (The Catholic Guide to Depression) * Dr. Ray Guarendi * Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse * Fr. Benedict Groeschel * Leila Miller * Dr. Carrie Gress * Patti Maguire Armstrong * Donna- Marie Cooper-O’Boyle * Connie Rossini * Dr. Bob Schuchts * Mary Eberstadt * Fr. William Watson (Sacred Story Institute)

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Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Except where noted, all design, writing and images ©2024 by Debra Black and All Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including downloading, photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission or to report violations please email: