Finding God in all things

God has designed complementarity across personalities and purposes that serve to bring order and harmony in the cosmos. All of this is His plan for Divine Providence, His infinite wisdom of His Divine Mind exhibited only in us who are created in His image.

Thus, if you did not exist, there would something of the wisdom of God that the world would never know, hidden from the entire cosmos. Every life matters, including yours.

The better-good choice

For the Christian seeking to grow closer to God, the difficulty in decision making isn’t in choosing something good. It is in making the right choice, the better-good choice. Part of the discernment process should be a test to find where love is in your heart vs. where focus is on yourself and your needs…

A mother’s heart

It is said that a mother is only as happy as her least-happy child. But no mother sorrows alone; Mary suffers with us. The sword that pierced your heart also pierces hers. And when Mary holds your child, she holds Jesus in your child’s heart. Just as nothing can separate her heart from His, neither can her heart be separated from your child.

Who is this God?

The beauty and majesty of spring weather remind us of the power and might of God. This is the spiritual reality within which we live, survive, and thrive. In the sky and in our heart, dark clouds beckoning to threaten our existence play a sort of tug-o-war with the sun, of whom we catch glimpses just often enough to give hope for the calm to come.

Our Father’s Embrace

On this Trinity Sunday, don’t fret if you are unable to understand (let alone explain) the nature of the Trinity! Allow yourself to be scooped up into your Father’s embrace and share that love with others. 😊