A weed is a flower in the wrong spot

On any summer day, the boulevard drive along our waterfront is edged in masses of wildflowers. A variety of sizes, shapes, species, and colors are represented. As nature sows these, the plants are mixed together seemingly without any scheme or design. Yet in God’s design they collectively harmonize as a floral carpet adorning the roadway.

At least that is one way to see it. Others, however, may see these as a mess of weeds.


The human body, as well as the human individual, is now believed to be a means to an end rather than an end in itself. That ultimate end is no longer eternal happiness in God but, rather, emotional and carnal satisfaction in the present. The human’s consciousness is focused on what they are rather than ‘who’.

You and me in salvation history

Upon the birth of Jesus and thereafter, Mary and Joseph weren’t prepared for anything they experienced. Neither were the shepherds, the Magi, or even Herod. Each was going about their normal daily life, not realizing their own part in salvation history.

What part do I want to play in salvation history?