The Face of Grace Project

Step out of the social and into the silence


Before you were conceived, God already planned for you to spend eternity with Him! He wants you to begin that life of peace now, this very day. So much time is spent searching for truth on the Internet and seeking connectedness in social media. How might your life change if you step out of that noise and into the silence with Him?


Grace works silently, smoothly, effortlessly. It is the small voice in the cave of Mt. Horeb. We must be still to hear its whisper. For this reason, The Face of Grace Project has no comments, no social endeavor, no human conversation. It is a place to read, reflect, consider that which brings peace and that which distressfully convicts, and to take both to silent conversation with God. All content is in strict accord with the doctrine and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, which is the lived Christian experience to the full.


Peace, Truth, Relationship…all for which you search is found in our Trinitarian God. Your Father intends for you to live in His Love now, experiencing His presence with each breath. This is the purpose of the Christian life. Presence is a space for guidance on prayer, discernment, and God’s teachings that will help you dispose yourself to His loving grace.


Across the ages



This “Grace-space” shares God’s Wisdom revealed in Sacred Scripture and taught for 2000 years by the saints and Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. The only path to Holiness is to live His Truth, which is timeless. Truth cannot be relativized, but it is always relevant and can be embraced in the simple moments of our daily lives. This Grace-space provides the spiritual guidance of the Holy ones, our Catholic heritage, who are already accompanying you and desire to help you on your journey.

Life, Work and the World

We are God’s project, the clay in the Potter’s hands. Made Holy through Baptism, we grow relationship with God through prayer and the Sacraments. He does more than just walk by our side. He leads the way when we give Him our hand. He carries us when we surrender to Him. His Spirit heals us and fills us with Himself. God transforms us into the Face of Grace. It is through us that He desires to change the world. We become His beacon to bring others to Him, to Salvation itself.


Change, then, must begin first in us.

We are the answer to change

The sincerity of our prayer reflects the sincerity of heart, and God responds. The answer to the crisis of today is converted hearts, beginning with our own.

He interests Himself in all thy anxieties

The book of Job, which we’ve been hearing in daily mass readings, is one of the wisdom books. It is through Job that we can embrace the magnanimous power of our Creator, our God, as He reminds Job that He truly is in charge: “where were you when I founded the earth?” (Job 38:4) etc.

Most people live with some sort of inner turmoil. They may think, “but Job was a righteous man” while voices in their mind pester of their own unrighteousness…

A Rosary Novena for Our Times

“Lord, bring peace to a world lamenting and anguishing for rest. Amen”

This is our Lepanto moment. With the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7, please join me in praying this beautiful and powerful novena of rosaries given to us by Mr. Wade Chio. Each day’s intention will be prayed at the beginning of the rosary. The novena may begin Sept. 28 through Oct. 6, or begin Sept. 29 and end Oct. 7, the feast day. And please share with others!

Crosses: Remembering 9-11

“As I opened my email that morning (9-11), I and others on the listserv had received a cryptic message from a college registrar inside one of the twin towers. All she said was “You can’t imagine how bad it is here. Please pray for us”. It was sent before the buildings collapsed. That may have been her final communication to the world.”

Sacred space

Our society has lost its understanding of the sacred and so instead props up false idols and ideologies. Some create a false sense of sacredness while others are bent on destroying that which is truly sacred.

What is sacred?


For the deliberations of mortals are timid, and uncertain our plans. For the corruptible body burdens the soul and the earthly tent weighs down the mind with its many concerns. (Wisdom 9:14-15)

Faithfulness shall spring from the earth

“To consider God equally good in things that are petty and ordinary as in those that are great and uncommon is to have a faith that is not ordinary, but great and extraordinary. (Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade)

Our Mission & Vision

Bringing souls to Christ and Christ to souls by sharing the lived experience of the Christian life.

Belonging is not a place; it is a person: Jesus Christ. Our baptized souls, sanctified by the grace of the Eucharist, joined in Him, share through Him the grace of our everyday life. The Face of Grace Project provides help to understand and dispose yourself to beholding the Face of God in the Grace of the Present Moment. In Him is where you have always belonged.  

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Catholic Church Ireland

Creation . Redemption . Restoration .


The Latest News & Updates

We are the answer to change

We are the answer to change

The sincerity of our prayer reflects the sincerity of heart, and God responds. The answer to the crisis of today is converted hearts, beginning with our own.

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He interests Himself in all thy anxieties

He interests Himself in all thy anxieties

The book of Job, which we’ve been hearing in daily mass readings, is one of the wisdom books. It is through Job that we can embrace the magnanimous power of our Creator, our God, as He reminds Job that He truly is in charge: “where were you when I founded the earth?” (Job 38:4) etc.

Most people live with some sort of inner turmoil. They may think, “but Job was a righteous man” while voices in their mind pester of their own unrighteousness…

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A Rosary Novena for Our Times

A Rosary Novena for Our Times

“Lord, bring peace to a world lamenting and anguishing for rest. Amen”

This is our Lepanto moment. With the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7, please join me in praying this beautiful and powerful novena of rosaries given to us by Mr. Wade Chio. Each day’s intention will be prayed at the beginning of the rosary. The novena may begin Sept. 28 through Oct. 6, or begin Sept. 29 and end Oct. 7, the feast day. And please share with others!

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