The God of second chances
In this Jubilee of Hope, let us keep front of mind that God never ceases to delight in us personally and He desires to exalt each of us as His own.
In this Jubilee of Hope, let us keep front of mind that God never ceases to delight in us personally and He desires to exalt each of us as His own.
The Christmas season ends Sunday with the feast of our Lord’s baptism, and I am thankful our nativity scene remains on display until then. I thought about how the shepherd boy brings one of his babes, the lamb, to offer. In return, Mary offers to him her Son, the Lamb of God. Exchanging a lamb for the Lamb of God is in no way an equal exchange. It is the most lopsided exchange that could ever be made and yet this is how He and she wish it to be for us.
Think about the paradigm-shifting hope that comes from consciously living as awaiting the Heavenly wedding banquet.
Contemplating the first Christmas: Am I ready for Christ to be born in my soul?
We are to be the leaven of our families and homes, the salt of the relationship. Permitting His healing sanctification, we are God’s living covenant to every soul we meet; after all, the covenant is intended for them too. We must not be salt that has lost its taste (Luke 14:34).