A monsoon of grace

It is God’s desire to cleanse us of sin today, not to shun us because of it. He has everything in place for us to attain eternal life in Him: saints in Heaven interceding for us, souls in purgatory praying for us, and a monsoon of grace raining upon us.

The family that prays together

Personal and family prayer, along with the Sacraments, form the foundation of love upon which family unity is built. Living our faith-filled life now becomes part of the heritage we pass down to our descendants. And as we prepare to enter the holidays, what greater gift can we give than the lived life of grace?

A change of seasons

It is autumn, a season unique in the variety and sometimes brilliance of colors seen around us. While this can be said of spring and summer too, those seasons reflect the burst of new life. Autumn, on the other hand, shows us the beauty in life matured.

So too with the cycle of human life.

Radical Solidarity

80% of marriages end up in divorce within five years of a child loss. Don’t become one of the silent sufferers, part of the 95% of parents who do not seek support after the loss of a child. And don’t be afraid to accompany others as well. It’s time to embrace radical solidarity.