A season of leaven and salt

We are to be the leaven of our families and homes, the salt of the relationship. Permitting His healing sanctification, we are God’s living covenant to every soul we meet; after all, the covenant is intended for them too. We must not be salt that has lost its taste (Luke 14:34).

A season for squabbles

Today begins the ‘holiday season’. It is supposed to be a season of Thanksgiving that leads into the Season of Giving, giving of ourselves as God has given of Himself to us in Jesus.

So why do these family gatherings so often turn into squabbles and arguments?

Spiritual advocates

Thanksgiving is on the horizon with Christmas a month away. In-between is much time spent with family, friends, and strangers who often have very different belief systems from our own. It is a season that begins with gratitude and ends with the birth of the Prince of Peace. But an unfortunate American tradition for Christians and non-Christians alike is that depression and suicide skyrocket during this particular holiday season.

Moments with Jesus

Our resolutions for change so often fall flat! Perhaps this is because we focus on correcting a bad habit rather than improving relationships, especially our relationship with God. The new Catholic daily devotional, Moments with Jesus, can be a step toward true transformational change.