by The Face of Grace Project | Jun 1, 2024 | Presence
The beauty and majesty of spring weather remind us of the power and might of God. This is the spiritual reality within which we live, survive, and thrive. In the sky and in our heart, dark clouds beckoning to threaten our existence play a sort of tug-o-war with the sun, of whom we catch glimpses just often enough to give hope for the calm to come.
by The Face of Grace Project | May 25, 2024 | Presence
On this Trinity Sunday, don’t fret if you are unable to understand (let alone explain) the nature of the Trinity! Allow yourself to be scooped up into your Father’s embrace and share that love with others. 😊
by The Face of Grace Project | May 18, 2024 | Presence
We experience all sorts of darkness in our active and spiritual lives. Yet it is a common error to refer to all of it as a dark night of the soul. With depression and suicide epidemic in the US, it seems to be an apt time to look into this difference more closely.
by The Face of Grace Project | May 11, 2024 | Presence
Why is it so hard to walk the talk of Faith? Why do we only permit God to refine us to a certain point, but no farther? “I drew them with bands of love” (Hosea 11:4)
by The Face of Grace Project | May 4, 2024 | Life, Work and the World
Gifts come in all sizes and shapes, and in the spiritual life can come in the most unexpected of ways.