The Saint Factory

From the Heaven the Lord looks down
And observes the whole human race,
Surveying from the royal throne
All who dwell on earth.
The one who fashioned the hearts of them all
Knows all their works. (Psalm 33:13-15)
At first glance, we seem to be overcome by darkness in the world. Or at least that’s what the enemy wants us to see.
A few years ago, it occurred to me that the number of demons allowed to crawl upon the earth is finite and determined, whereas the number of saints is always growing. We have the scriptures telling us of the great battle and the fall from Heaven of the prideful angels. As for humans, every new life is made for sanctity. Some will reject God, of course, and go to Hell. However, they aren’t demons because they aren’t angels; they are just people in Hell. So, the actual number of demons is finite and will not increase.
Meanwhile, purgatory kicks out new saints every moment of every day. Think of it as a saint factory. Granted, the number of saints are not infinite. However, they are constantly increasing in numbers around us to pray for us and intercede as God wills. So not only do the forces for good far outweigh the forces of evil, they are actually increasing every moment of every day.
And God is the origin of each of those moments, our moments with Him.
As we look at the harm, evil and destruction around us, we have to remember that God is surrounding us with more forces for good at a rate that far exceeds the evil. We don’t see it, of course, because Satan has us focused on the evil, on him. Remember the first rule of strategy is to never engage with the enemy; step out of it altogether and step back into God. Look at yourself and your relationship with Him. Then see how you can strengthen it in that moment, returning to Him the love He gave you. He will refill you with even more of it to take out into the world. Plus, when you look over the battlefield of life, you’ll be able to see what a beautiful landscape it truly is. 😊
And don’t forget our guardian angels. Servant of God John Hardon writes that I have an obligation to pray to mine because he is part of God’s providential plan for me. And you, too! St. John XXIII advised, “Teach the children that they are never alone, that an angel is at their side. Show them how to have a trusting conversation with the angel, who is a good advisor and intercedes for you and helps you in your needs.”
And for those who have enthroned their homes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, here too our guardian angels are hard at work for us:
“As the family assembles night after night to honour the loving Heart of the Word made flesh, the Guardian Angels of that Christian home will hover over its members, and record in the Book of Life each successive act of honour, of love, and of reparation as it speeds heavenwards to reach the throne of the glorified Heart of Jesus.”
(Rev. M. D. Forrest, M.S.C.)
As the Psalmist teaches, God is in His reign watching over our projects and us, knowing all that is in our hearts. Let us continue to pray for Pope Francis, all clergy and religious, and the worldwide church:
“We should recall that no man is an island, entire of itself. Our lives are involved with one another, through innumerable interactions they are linked together. No one lives alone. No one sins alone. No one is saved alone…so my prayer for another is not something extraneous to that person, something external, not even after death. In the interconnectedness of being, my gratitude to the other – my prayer for him – can play a small part in his purification. And for that there is no need to convert earthly time into God’s time; in the communion of souls simple terrestrial time is superseded. It is never too late to touch the heart of another, nor is it ever in vain. In this way we further clarify an important element of the Christian concept of hope. Our hope is always essentially hope for others.” (Spe Salvi, Pope Benedict XVI)
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam 😊
Image: St. Ignatius of Loyola Apotheosis-Luis Fernández García from Wikimedia

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