by The Face of Grace Project | Feb 2, 2023 | Across the Ages
February is a month of transitions: late winter preparing for early spring; Lent preparing for Jesus’ passion and death. It begins, however, with a celebration of the return of God to the temple: The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.
by The Face of Grace Project | Jan 22, 2023 | Life, Work and the World
The March for Life in Washington DC is complete, and the Church militant (you and I) are now prepared to carry God’s truth and love into our communities. And while this may seem impossible in an already-packed schedule, it is easier than it appears. What we need to do now is support one another and those around us in the smallest of ways
by The Face of Grace Project | Jan 8, 2023 | Presence
Reflecting upon my new year’s resolutions, I realized one is missing: giving up the ‘baggage’ from my past.
by The Face of Grace Project | Dec 31, 2022 | Uncategorized
The Christmas octave draws to a close, but the Christmas season continues. The new year is often a time for planning large changes in life such as a job, residence, or financial goals; pledges to improve health and wellness; plans for diet, exercise, and more recently Eastern religious practices such as mindfulness are common. Yet our Catholic faith has always provided the lifestyle by which we will best flourish because true flourishing only comes by ordering our goals towards God.
Perhaps the best and most proper New Year’s resolution is simply to become authentically Catholic.
by The Face of Grace Project | Dec 23, 2022 | Life, Work and the World
The one and very same God who built the mountains, anchored the seas, and lit the heavens with stars will be born this very night. Yet He, the light of Glory, hid His glory and became small. He did not seek fame nor act in grandiose ways. He sought to hold close those who will embrace Him in their heart.