Saint Andrew’s Novena to Contemplate Christmas Eve
The St. Andrew’s novena is prayed from November 30 through December 24. Enjoy this contemplative version as you prepare to receive the Christ Child in your heart. 😊
The St. Andrew’s novena is prayed from November 30 through December 24. Enjoy this contemplative version as you prepare to receive the Christ Child in your heart. 😊
Thanksgiving is on the horizon with Christmas a month away. In-between is much time spent with family, friends, and strangers who often have very different belief systems from our own. It is a season that begins with gratitude and ends with the birth of the Prince of Peace. But an unfortunate American tradition for Christians and non-Christians alike is that depression and suicide skyrocket during this particular holiday season.
“Lord, bring peace to a world lamenting and anguishing for rest. Amen”
This is our Lepanto moment. With the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7, please join me in praying this beautiful and powerful novena of rosaries given to us by Mr. Wade Chio. Each day’s intention will be prayed at the beginning of the rosary. The novena may begin Sept. 28 through Oct. 6, or begin Sept. 29 and end Oct. 7, the feast day. And please share with others!
Perhaps, after the resurrection, Jesus appeared to a woman first simply because she was there, and the men weren’t. She made herself available to Him. And so should we.
In St. Benedict’s rule for living monastic life, one finds many pearls of wisdom for living in our domestic church.
Summertime brings summer reading, and the Catholic saints of the underground English Church give us a model for struggling with joy today in our own lives. Mary Ward is a saint for our times.