Our Pillar of Strength

In Mary’s life we see exemplified the beauty of all life from conception to natural death, a life grounded in family who came and remained together through thick and thin to the very end. She remains with us, her spiritual children, this very day unto our dying breath too.

Surrounded by angels

September 29 is the glorious feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Rafael. Then October 2 we herald our guardian angels. Who are the angels, and how might our life change if we were to celebrate, and call upon, our angels all 365 days of each year?

A time of transition

February is a month of transitions: late winter preparing for early spring; Lent preparing for Jesus’ passion and death. It begins, however, with a celebration of the return of God to the temple: The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.

The O Antiphons

When I attended mass back in the 1990’s, the song O Come O Come Emmanuel was sung at every mass during Advent. I thought maybe it was our pastor’s favorite Christmas song! LOL! I didn’t know then about the O Antiphons…

Waiting for the Immaculata

Waiting for the Immaculata “Venerable Fulton Sheen, delving deeper into the words of God’s messenger to Mary, explains to us that Saint Gabriel the Archangel is more profoundly asking, ‘In the name of God will you give to God a man; will you give to God this new note...