The exchange

The Christmas season ends Sunday with the feast of our Lord’s baptism, and I am thankful our nativity scene remains on display until then. I thought about how the shepherd boy brings one of his babes, the lamb, to offer. In return, Mary offers to him her Son, the Lamb of God. Exchanging a lamb for the Lamb of God is in no way an equal exchange. It is the most lopsided exchange that could ever be made and yet this is how He and she wish it to be for us.

A season of leaven and salt

We are to be the leaven of our families and homes, the salt of the relationship. Permitting His healing sanctification, we are God’s living covenant to every soul we meet; after all, the covenant is intended for them too. We must not be salt that has lost its taste (Luke 14:34).

A season for squabbles

Today begins the ‘holiday season’. It is supposed to be a season of Thanksgiving that leads into the Season of Giving, giving of ourselves as God has given of Himself to us in Jesus.

So why do these family gatherings so often turn into squabbles and arguments?

Spiritual advocates

Thanksgiving is on the horizon with Christmas a month away. In-between is much time spent with family, friends, and strangers who often have very different belief systems from our own. It is a season that begins with gratitude and ends with the birth of the Prince of Peace. But an unfortunate American tradition for Christians and non-Christians alike is that depression and suicide skyrocket during this particular holiday season.

Elections and second chances

Our God is the God of second chances. When God’s people are faithful to Him, He showers them with grace. When they turn away from Him and towards self-gratification, He withdraws His grace. For many years, God has been slowly withdrawing His grace leaving us increasingly to face the natural consequences of our choices. What we have before us now is the opportunity for true change, and that begins with us. The question is: are you willing to give up that one thing you absolutely will not give up?