Heroism around us
Heroism surrounds us every day. But we can’t praise it unless we first see it; we cannot see it unless we first recognize it. This is our challenge today: find it in your ‘footprint’ on the planet.
Heroism surrounds us every day. But we can’t praise it unless we first see it; we cannot see it unless we first recognize it. This is our challenge today: find it in your ‘footprint’ on the planet.
The sincerity of our prayer reflects the sincerity of heart, and God responds. The answer to the crisis of today is converted hearts, beginning with our own.
“As I opened my email that morning (9-11), I and others on the listserv had received a cryptic message from a college registrar inside one of the twin towers. All she said was “You can’t imagine how bad it is here. Please pray for us”. It was sent before the buildings collapsed. That may have been her final communication to the world.”
Our society has lost its understanding of the sacred and so instead props up false idols and ideologies. Some create a false sense of sacredness while others are bent on destroying that which is truly sacred.
What is sacred?
For the deliberations of mortals are timid, and uncertain our plans. For the corruptible body burdens the soul and the earthly tent weighs down the mind with its many concerns. (Wisdom 9:14-15)
Truth has been dismantled in our society. But for we who are made in His image and likeness, He who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6) becomes our identity.